Terms & Conditions

HealthInsurancePortability.com (HIBS) may from time to time change the contents of this website (including these legal notices) without notice. Your use of the website means that you accept the terms and conditions set out on this page. If you do not accept these terms and conditions you should immediately cease using the website.

The information provided in this website is a guide only and may not be complete for your purposes. HIBS does not warrant the accuracy of any information on this website and recommend that you confirm it with third party product providers before acting on it. It is recommended that you confirm information with the third party product providers before acting on it or send us a communication to that effect – care@healthinsuranceportability.com

The additional terms and conditions set out below apply to the identified website pages and services and form part of these terms and conditions.

Liability disclaimer

Although great care has been taken to ensure the reliability of any statements of opinion or general ratings information provided by HIBS, we give no warranty in relation to statements and information contained in the website and disclaims all liability to the fullest extent possible arising from any persons acting on the information and statements contained therein. HIBS assumes no responsibility or obligation to provide updates on any published statement or report. Where the law implies conditions or warranties that are not able to be excluded, HIBS liability shall be limited to the re-supply of the information provided on the website.

Recommended Browser

To ensure the best browsing experience, we suggest you download the latest version of Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

General Advice Warning

To the extent that any HIBS data, ratings or commentary constitutes general advice, this advice has been prepared by HIBS and does not take into account your individual investment objectives, financial/health circumstances or needs. Information provided on and available from this site does not constitute financial, taxation or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. HIBS recommends that, before you make any financial decision, you seek professional advice from our suitably qualified adviser. Any reference by HIBS to the past performance of a financial institution/financial Product or service provider is not necessarily indicative of future performance. A Product Disclosure Statement (Policy Terms and Conditions) relating to the product should also be obtained and considered before making any decision about whether to acquire the product.

Our policy in relation to legal threats and demands made against HIBS can be found on our privacy policy page.

Terms and conditions applicable to Insurer Referral Service

You agree with us that:

  1. If you do not accept these terms and conditions you will immediately stop use of the health insurance referral service and will not take any further action on the online form.
  2. We are referring you to the insurance company referred to on the form for further insurance advice and services in case you are not satisfied with the content contained on our site.

By submitting the form to request insurance portability, you consent to us providing your personal information and other details in the online form to the insurer(s)/us for the purpose of the insurer(s)/us providing you with insurance advice and services.

  1. If you telephone the number shown on the website, you will be telephoning and speaking to employees of insurer(s)/Us and will be foregoing any liability explicitly as stated in the TRAI and Do Not Disturb regulations/guidelines.
  2. We/Our employees/partners/insurers will have no liability to you in relation your dealings with the product/service chosen including any advice or recommendations it may makes purely on your making decisions on your own without written advice from us.
  3. Each insurer listed on our website, for the purpose of disseminating policy information of their products/services have their own policies which are approved by IRDAI (Insurance Regulator) selling its own insurance products and services, the terms of which can be changed only after due approval from the insurance regulator.

You will make all arrangements in relation to services you require from the Insurer and you will be responsible for all fees and charges (if any) payable in relation to any services you acquire from the Insurer, PlanCover.com can assist where ever the role arises and as per approved guidelines of the regulator/law applicable in India

We make no recommendation to you about the skills, expertise or suitability of the Insurer(s) for your purposes.

We may contact you to seek your response to a survey in relation to your dealings with the Insurer/Us.

You have read and accept the terms of our Privacy Policy and website Terms and Conditions. These terms limit your ability to make a claim against HIBS.

"We" and "us" means HII Insurance Broking Services Private Limited (HIBS).

Last updated on — 31st March, 2017